Handbag Leather Products Co.,Ltd was founded in March 2003, is located in China's famous manufacturing city ---QiShi,DongGuan City .
Our company (factory) has changed the name of Dongguan Shengyuan Handbag Manufacturer (factory) to Handbag Leather Products Co.,Ltd.
Our company(factory) covers an area of 6500 square meters with convenient transportation. We own two production workshop with good condition, one is the handbag workshop,the other is the leather workshop. Meanwhile,we have a strong work team with more than 200 technicians , 10 designers and 30 managers.
During over 8 years of successful operation, we have made friends in this field around the world. Most of the products are exported to Europe,North America,Sweden,Japan ,Korean with high quality and well assessments.
We specialized in designing and producing a collection of handbags, case, leather goods, shopping bags, ladies' handbag,cosmetic bag,saddle cover,foldable hat,tool bag,school bag,package bag,mobile phone bag,computer bag,wheel travel bag,backpack,cooler bag,sunshade,washing bag,camera bag, document bag,non-woven bag,pencil bag ,card holder, travel bags, transparent bags, backpacks, leather crafts,safety protector,fitness belt,garment suitbag and so on. accessment.
Our priciple is that: honesty is the fundamention for the factory to have a good developement, quality is the guarantee to factory standing in the world. Good reputation,best quality,friendly service,delivery on time and the most competitive price are the advantage for us to survival in this field and also the commitment to customers!
Your support is the impetus for us to make efforts and innovation constantly. If you are interested in any of our products, please feel free to contact for more information.